Experience with #LGM

Hello Everyone, I’m Aswini Kalyan, pursuing B.E in Computer Science at CMR Institute of Technology Today I would like to share about this great initiative by Aman Kesarwani, who started giving out internships to students to learn and grow using LGMVIP letsgrowmore.in/vip and letsgrowmore.in where I learned a lot. I am a beginner in data science and this initiative helped me improve my knowledge in the field by doing various tasks and helping me build my skills in this domain It was a very rich experience personally to enhance my skills and work on hands-on tasks given during the internship course. The process of selection is very clear and straightforward. One can refer to the LGMVIP letsgrowmore.in/vip and letsgrowmore.in website and fill a simple interest form choosing any domain. Furthermore, a detailed selection mail will be sent upon which we can start our internship. I was from #September21 batch and I was chose 3 tasks to complete in which two were compulsory. The tasks were practical and easy to understand. Task 1 — Image to Pencil Sketch with Python (Beginner level) Task 2 — Stock Marketing Prediction and Forecasting using LSTM(Beginner level)(Intermediate level) Task 3 — EDA on terrorism(Intermediate level) I am extremely glad to announce that I have successfully completed 3 tasks under Data Science. My first task was a beginner project where I learnt about the OpenCV module of Python. It includes many manipulative functions to work on images, where this project was to convert an image to a sketch in Python. There are a lot of applications to the module and I shall explore more on it. The tutorials provided by LGMVIP turned out so helpful and I learnt a lot from them! By the end of the first task, I was very comfortable with python, openCV module and matplotlib module In the second task, I worked on prediction of Stock prices using LSTM network. LSTM network is a neural network and I had learnt a lot on how neural networks and feedback systems work while doing this project The third task I had done was to do an exploratory data analysis on terrorism which was an eye-opener for me. I studied the patterns of terrorists and understood how further terrorism can be stopped.

I would like to conclude by saying that my experience at LGMVIP was very much beneficial. By the end of the second task, I have a clear and deep knowledge of several concepts of Python in Data Science. Once again I thank @LGMVIP letsgrowmore.in and letsgrowmore.in/vip for always encouraging us after each task and also to provide us with tutorials to improve our skills. They make us work on projects that might reflect on our CVs. I will definitely recommend LGMVIP to work on projects and improve your skills. Thankyou once again LGMVIP. Here are the links of my tasks : Task 1 : linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:68.. GitHub link : github.com/aswinikalyan30/LGMVIP-DataScienc.. Task 2 : linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:68.. GitHub link : github.com/aswinikalyan30/LGMVIP-DataScienc.. Task 3: linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:68.. Github link: github.com/aswinikalyan30/LGMVIP-DataScienc..